About Me
Healing power of nature
I draw my energy, balance and inspiration from the connection with Mother Nature. Nature guides me on how to maintain healthy inside and out.
I believe nowadays people suffer so much because they have drifted too far from nature. We can’t take nature away from us. If we attempt to do that, that’s where we get lost, that’s when we get sick.
The healing power of nature is so beautiful. When we don’t forget that we are part of nature, and we stay connected, we are offered the medicine and the wisdom to maintain balance. And balance is the key to a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Psychedelics helped me to change my life
Psychedelics have played a significant role in my personal life. Before I got introduced to psychedelics, I suffered from severe traumas that sabotaged my life. Instead of enjoying my life or planning my future, I dreamt about killing myself.
During a long period of time, I met several doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and whatnot -but nothing helped. I just couldn’t manage to untie the knots deep in my unconscious mind by having a conscious talk with a person. And any medication I tried just postponed the problems. I’m forever thankful to my friend who, almost 10 years ago now, introduced me to magic mushrooms. That was a huge turning point in my life.
With help of psychedelics, I have completely restructured my own mind, de-traumatised myself, and witnessed how many others around me, with difficult past traumas, have done the same.
This gave me the will to live, and the mind space to start my personal development journey. And the will to help others on the same path was born in me.
I love my life, and I enjoy becoming a healthier, more balanced and more passionate version of myself each day.
With no doubt, I believe psychedelics can increase the success of traditional treatments we have available today.
Would you love to live in harmony with your best self? Let me know, and let’s have a free relaxing, inspiring chat!
-Free Your Mind-